Before the End...

>> Friday, October 2, 2009

Five Realms, four ruled by the gods and the fifth waiting for its rightful heir…

Should you face north and see past the ozone, deep into the heavens of the Terra regnum, you would gain a vision of the opulent Regnum Lux lucis Navitas quod vox. The Realm of Light, Energy, and Power; for those mortals whom do not speak the language of the gods. Home of Zyon, God of Light, Energy and Life, grand creator and master of all the gods within our small galaxy. Word to the wise, should you have the blessing of encountering his all-powerful self, ensure you bow to your knees, and worship the ground he walks upon. Listen closely to his commands, for you may very well be the one he seeks to rule the planet. To him raise your glass and offer your praise for it was he with the aid of his beautiful wife Yone, Goddess of Life and Water and his daughter Ziyone, Goddess of fruitfulness and life we have the supreme pleasure of enjoying our world.

Follow the path of the setting sun to the west and you shall find Regnum Crepusculum Bestia quod Silva, the realm of dusk, animals and forest. Ruled by the animal god himself, Arrol God of Animals, Magic and Creation. Father of the rare, powerful Lupusnox Goddesses, husband to Lucienia, Goddess of Magic, Love and Sun. To him raise your glass and give praise that he has granted us with not only our four legged companions and food sources. Yet for his selfless giving of his daughters to the realm of the Daywalker’s to train these creatures for 100 years.

This brings me to the East, the Regnum Altoriah, the realm of the sun. A place ruled by the powerful god whom with his sword of light had once endeavored to rid our realms of the evil that had inhabited it. A powerful angel, sage to Zyon himself he was granted the gift of Godliness, the father of the Daywalkers who protect us pure light souls from the dangerous and evil army of nightwalkers. A celestial that faced the dark god himself and sealed his fate. Yet that is a story for another time, perhaps should you gain entrance to such realm then he will tell you of how he battled the dark god, and nearly lost his life all for the love of one, one in whom he could not protect in the end for Zyon tied his soul to the realm. Ziyone his wife, the mother of his child, Brother to Lucienia; Luciene, God of Sun, Justice and Retribution.

Now to the south Regnum Cimmerian, the realm of Darkness and evil, should you choose to embrace the evil and dark that sets within every mortal’s heart you can count on experiencing this terrifying place. Ruled beneath the hand of the dark god himself, or worse his all-powerful bride with her chip the size of mars. Armand, God of Sorrow, Blood and Darkness, creator of the nightwalkers… An army whose sole purpose is to create vampires, prey upon the mortals and to defeat the Altoriah realm, in the hopes of returning their dark evil souls to the light, by taking the souls of the Daywalkers.

Finally, no matter where you go within this realm, there are far more celestial powers at play than you ever knew, and you thought we were the only to inhabit the earth. Take a close look at the man or woman beside you, for there is a possibility they are a Lupusnox male or a daywalker. However, fear not, neither will bite you, try to take your blood, well the Lupusnox very well might, for he is a strictly trained warrior and has a surly attitude. Alas yet again a story for another time; and the daywalker's, well… Unless you are an evil soul searching to enter the Cimmerian you should harbor no fear of meeting with their fangs, they are here to protect you from the evils that walk the earth. Our earth such a wondrous planet filled with all sorts of life and yet the Terra Regnum is lacking its god or goddess to rule… Leaving it open for war.

Vampire's, Lycan's, Lupusnox's, Daywalker’s, Nightwalker's and Gods OH MY!


S.B. October 5, 2009 at 12:03 PM  

this looks really interesting, and so deep and complex! You've put an incredible amount of work into it!

Look forward to seeing where you go!!!

cheripye October 5, 2009 at 12:16 PM  

Thank you SB!
I have really REALLY put alot of time, effort and brain function into this, LOL! 80)

Crossing fingers update soon, started on the screens this weekend. 80) In-between set up. 80)

Van October 5, 2009 at 2:30 PM  

Oooh, love the incredible mythology here! Can't wait to see where this goes :D

cheripye October 5, 2009 at 4:05 PM  

Thanks Dinuriel!
I have worked really hard on this with much thanks to Drew and Lachesis who let me bounce back and forth with them and provided me with all kinds of suggestions. 80)

Here's hoping it will live up, LOL! 80)

thewynd October 5, 2009 at 6:08 PM  

What a fascinating and complex introduction! I love the tone of your writing here. I am so intrigued by this and cannot wait to see where it leads.

S@n October 5, 2009 at 8:38 PM  

The new blog looks awesome and the story sounds so intriguing!!
I'm really looking forward to see what you do with this!!!
I'm sure it will be amazing!!!

cheripye October 5, 2009 at 9:21 PM  

Thank you Gayl! for the wonderful comment! I have really worked hard literally tossed so much writing it is unbelievable. 80) Worked on some more of the screens for Jays Chapter, crossing fingers the computer will hold out long enough for me to post it. 80)

cheripye October 5, 2009 at 9:23 PM  

S@ndy Thank you!
This is just a brief explanation in regards to how we came about, LOL! and of course an introduction to some of the new characters. 80) Hoping to get the first post by this weekend, or this week sometime if all goes well. 80) And I hope it lives up. LOL! I am a bit nervous, never done a story like this before. 80)

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